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Holliston Youth Basketball Association

Holliston Youth Basketball Association

News Detail


Sep, 2021

Registration for Travel Basketball is now open through Sept 27

Dear Holliston Basketball families,

We hope that you have had a great summer!  Registration for 4th grade – 8th grade Holliston Travel Basketball is now open through September 27th.  Registration for K-8th grade Town Basketball will be available in early October.  There is no cost for registering for tryouts. However, you are required to register so we have appropriate and necessary information for all players trying out and can communicate with all players/families about tryouts and team selection. 

Next Steps:

  • Please register for tryouts online at
  • There is no cost for registering for tryouts. However, you are required to register so we have appropriate and necessary information for all players trying out and can communicate with all players/families about tryouts and team selection. 
  • Please select the grade that your child is currently enrolled in for tryouts. 
  • Teams will be selected, and families will be notified through email.
  •  Upon making a team, families need to go back online within 48 hours and make payment for the season.  Otherwise, the spot may be offered to another player.
  • Uniforms are an additional fee. Once teams are selected, you will need to order a uniform from Tri Valley Sports through the on-line store. Returning players do not need to order a new uniform. Please order as soon as you accept your team placement as the on-line store will only be open for a limited time.  After teams are chosen, coaches will be selected.
    • Please assist Holliston Youth Basketball in making our community basketball experience even better for our kids.  Please contact HYBA at [email protected] if you are interested in coaching or becoming involved with the town and / or travel basketball programs. 


Specific times for tryouts will be announced soon.   It is highly recommended that players attend both tryouts. However, players must attend at least one tryout to be eligible for the program.  If your child has a valid reason why they cannot attend either tryout, please contact HYBA at [email protected]Parents should be aware of the following aspects of Travel basketball:

  • Travel basketball is a competitive format. The Travel team selection process is conducted through tryouts.  While all players are welcome and urged to attend tryouts, all should be aware that team sizes are limited and that cuts are an unfortunate part of the tryout process. 
  • Each Travel team generally plays 12 regular season games, with about 6 at Holliston gyms. The remaining games are played in area towns and may require travel time of up to 45-60 minutes or more each way. Holliston does not control scheduling, and most games are on Sundays with occasional Saturday games.  Playoffs usually begin during the first week of March.
  • Teams typically practice twice a week with one practice on Saturday.  However, some weeks may only be one practice due to gym availability or Saturday games.
  • All Boys Travel players are required to participate in the Town Basketball Program
  • Coaches are selected from parents of children on each team, wherever possible. This occurs immediately after Travel teams are selected. Any parent interested in a coaching position should contact the HYB board at [email protected]

If your child does not make a travel team, we encourage him/her to participate in the town programs in Holliston or Hopkinton.  It is expected that basketball is the primary winter sport for Travel players and Travel players are expected to regularly attend all scheduled practices and games.  We look forward to continued success and player development in our upcoming season.  

HYBA will be strictly following state, CDC, and Metrowest guidelines as well as implementing our own procedures and protocols to protect the safety of participants. Participation in HYBA programming during the COVID-19 pandemic is a risk. Parents and guardians of HYBA participants as well as coaches take sole responsibility for their risk.  The season could end at any time due to state guidelines or based on the discretion of the HYBA Board of Directors. There will be a defined refund policy.  

Please share the link with anyone you feel may be interested in participating or contact us at [email protected]


Thank you,



Holliston Youth Basketball Association
P.O. Box 6933 
Holliston, Massachusetts 01746

Email: [email protected]

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